NEWS – Castle Island Virtual Lodge

Grand Lodge of Manitoba Canada, Charters a new type of Masonic Lodge
On June 01 2012 – CASTLE ISLAND VIRTUAL LODGE NO 190 was
chartered as a Regular and Constituted Masonic Lodge and has been
meeting regularly since then on the Fifth Wednesday of months that have
five Wednesdays. It is believed that this is the first world wide Masonic
Virtual Lodge with both Audio and Visual capabilities. The Lodge is listed
in the 2014 List of Lodges Masonic under “Manitoba”.
The Officers and Members follow all the rules and regulations set for
opening and closing the Lodge and their Mission is to give freemasons of
Manitoba and around the world another method of communicating the
values of Freemasonry by technology to those who are not able to attend a
Lodge due to their many personal and private commitments.
The CIVL members welcome visitors from all over the world and to join
meetings they must have been Initiated Passed and Raised in a Regular
Lodge, prove their current membership and have an e-mail address ,
computer and headset for voice communications.
The intent of our Lodge education is to supplement your educational growth
from your Lodge and or Grand Lodge.
Who should attend our Virtual Lodge ?
* The newly raised Master Mason.
* The History lover
* The Tradition Master Mason looking for a new evolution in Masonic
The members are committed to Masonic Education at each meeting and
welcome visiting Brethren for discussions.
They boast of regular visitors from Florida, Minnesota, Mexico, Scotland,
New South Wales, India , Italy and they would welcome Freemasons from
all locations. To visit just send your request to the Membership Chairman
Brother Nicholas Laine at <[email protected]> or the Secretary
MWBro. CRae Haldane-Wilsone PGM at <[email protected]>.
There is no cost to visit , but you must prove your membership in a dully
constituted Lodge that is from a jurisdiction that is recognized by the Grand
Lodge of Manitoba

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