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0 Responses to The Northern Freemason feeds

  1. Anthony Gunkel says:

    Thank you for all your work on this site. I really enjoyed the article "Gifts of the Magi" and hope to apply them more to my own development in Freemasonry.

  2. Robert says:

    This is about as close as a cyber-masonic Lodge where meetings are held on line. One of these days Masons will not be as dis-trusting of such an idea where you go to Lodge on the internet where everyone must log into a secure server to carry out the business of the Lodge and give the Degrees.

    RW Bro. Robert Galbraith
    PDDGM Dist. 10 GRM
    Stony Mountain / Stonewall Lodge #12

  3. donzell gunn says:

    I would like to take this moment in time to thank the Supreme Architect of the Universe for being what unites our brotherhood in spite of wordly adversity. May we continue to stand amongest few maintaining upright moral conduct, which will inspire the communities we live in. May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live. thanks.