2 Responses to A Masonic Lodge is Not a Service Club

  1. cyril sorongon says:

    Well written and explained My Brother!!!

  2. John R. Snider says:

    I am the docent for the Detroit Masonic Temple, and regularly give tours to the profane (a word I diislike). I am often asked what is the purpose of Freemasonry. Many think it is charity from the publically known works of the Fraternity, but I answer our primary purpose id to teach. we are all me who believe in a higher being and as such we tend to be charitable, but we really teach, we teach men how to be better men. Our lectures are timeless. We live in an increasingly complex technological world but all the human attributes are still with us, and that is what we teach. It is a timeless lesson which all young men should learn if they seek to be their highest self.

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